Showcase layout 2

Clean, smart & effective designs

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Installed three LED video walls, ensuring flawless execution and minimal disruption to church activities. From mounting the screens to fine tuning the display settings, every detail was carefully attended to. The two large front service LED video walls, measuring 15ft x 7ft each with a pixel pitch of 2.5mm, were mounted on either side of the altar, creating a stunning focal point for worshipers. Additionally, we installed a 10ft x 6ft rear service P3.9mm LED video wall mounted on the back wall. These LED displays offer high definition and vivid imagery, enhancing the visual impact of every service.
we understand the importance of making a statement at trade shows. That’s why we offer a range of LED video wall solutions designed to meet your specific needs. Our range of indoor led display panels are perfect for creating immersive displays within your booth, whether you’re showcasing product demos, running promotional videos, or fostering engagement with attendees through interactive content. These panels offer stunning visual clarity, vibrant colors, and seamless integration, ensuring your message captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression. Moreover, our panels are highly customizable and can be configured to any shape or size, ensuring they seamlessly fit into your booth design and branding strategy.
How about columns, maybe diamond shapes or circles. Whatever your vision is, we can make it work
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Get this for the next football game. Homecoming will take a new meaning